Zhixian Xie
I am PhD student at Intelligent Robotics and Interactive Systems (IRIS) Lab at Arizona State University.
In 2022, I received my B.Eng degree in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. I joined IRIS lab for PhD study in 2024.1, working with Dr. Wanxin Jin.
My Research
My research focuses on:
Human robot alignment: We develop methods to empower a robot with the ability to efficiently understand and be understood by human users through a variety of physical interactions. We explore how robots can aptly respond to and collaborate meaningfully with users.
Model-based RL and Control We develop methods to aid a robot to efficiently learn operation strategy in environments by simultaneously learning the transition model and the action policy.
Safe MPC Alignment with Human Directional Feedback
Zhixian Xie, Wenlong Zhang, Yi Ren, Zhaoran Wang, George. J. Pappas and Wanxin Jin
Preprint, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO)
Language-Model-Assisted Bi-Level Programming for Reward Learning from Internet Videos
Harsh Mahesheka, Zhixian Xie, Zhaoran Wang, Wanxin Jin
arXiv preprint, 2024